Winamp is more than just a player. It's your window to the multimedia world. From MP3s to streaming video, Winamp is the one place you go to feed your audio/video habit.
Here are some key features of "Winamp 5":
■ Winamp can use both Modern and Classic skins, so you can be both hip and retro at the same time.
■ Winamp gives you easy and organized access to your favorite media. That's what you call mass media
■ Winamp can play a huge variety of audio and video formats right out of the box... err... out of the installation.
■ You get access to hundreds of free audio and video channels in the Media Library. This ain't your father's library.
■ Winamp can burn your music to CDs.
■ Winamp makes it easy to create and manage your favorite songs through playlists. Yes, you can be your own DJ.
■ Winamp allows you to extend it's functionality through the use of "plug-ins" Its like the Mr. Potato Head of music.
■ Winamp will allow you to alter the sound of your music through a built-in Equalizer. An audio receiver right on your PC.
■ Winamp allows you to watch visual effects that are driven from your music with Visualizations. From flaming fireballs to screaming strobe effects, its all there.
Winamp Main Window
■ Winamp 5 features our new Modern Skin that's easier to use and more powerful than ever
■ Easily access the Media Library (ML), Playlist Editor (PL), integrated Video or Visualizations (Video/Vis Drawer), or the EQ, Skin Options, and Color Themes (Config Drawer) from the Main Window
■ Includes over 50 color themes that suit nearly every mood or occasion!
■ Winamp 5 carries forward the unobtrusive "Window Shade"
Winamp Playlist Editor
■ Drag and drop media directly into a Playlist from Windows Explorer or the Media Library
■ Jump directly to an item within the list by double clicking it or selecting the item and press Enter
■ Sort Playlists by title, file name, or path and file name
■ Easily Open and Save Playlists from the Manage Playlist button
Winamp Library
■ Organize and find your favorite songs and videos in ONE place
■ Rip your favorite music CDs into AAC or MP3 (Ripping limited to 2x speeds for free users. MP3 encoding is only available in Winamp Pro)
■ Burn your favorite music compilations to CD (limited to 2x for free users)
■ Media Library "Views" allow you to easily create rule based lists of your media
■ Easily modify your music collections tags (Artist, Album, Song name, etc.)
■ Internet Radio and TV
* Easily tune into user created Internet TV and Radio stations
* Over 4000 Internet Radio stations and 40 Internet TV channels to choose from
* Bookmark your favorite stations and channels for future access
■ Winamp Now Playing
* View album art, artist biographies, discographies
* Keep track of your favorite artists by browsing fan sites and news articles presented in the client
* Easily buy your favorite CDs, memorabilia, or just sell your own
Winamp Video
■ Play many major video formats (NSV, WMV, MPG, etc.) with ease
■ Easily resize video playback using the 1x, 2x, and Maximize window buttons
■ Watch your favorite videos in Full Screen mode
■ Quick access to dozens of Internet TV stations created by users
■ Detach the video window from the main player
Winamp Visualizations
■ Winamp 5 comes bundled with the latest version of the ground breaking AVS (Advanced Visualization Studio) and Milkdrop visualizers
■ Enjoy over 100 bundled visualization presets created by users
■ Switch between presets manually or sit back and watch your presets on Random
■ Easily jump to Full Screen mode
■ Download new visualizations and presets from
Winamp Equalizer
■ Shift the sound from both speakers to left or right using the Balance slider
■ Enable Cross Fading to transition the audio smoothly from one song to another
■ Select from the dozens of EQ presets to tune the sound
■ Create your own EQ settings and save them for future use
■ 400MHz Pentium II
■ 64MB RAM
■ 10MB Hard Disk Space
■ 16bit Sound Card
■ 1GHz Pentium III
■ 128MB RAM
■ 10MB Hard Disk Space
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
· New: Winamp Orgler plugin - Let's you track, chart & share your listening history
· Improved: [jnetlib] New SSL support for playback of https:// streams
· Improved: [ml_autotag] Fuzzy matches now unchecked by default & marked 'Unsure'
· Improved: [ml_local] New background scanner
· Improved: [ml_online] Various tweaks, fixes & enhancements
· Improved: [ml_pmp] Added support for drag+drop from Explorer to device playlists
· Fixed: iexplore process not ending when browser closed after opened via Winamp
· Fixed: Save EQ preset name duplication bug
· Fixed: [Bento skin] SHOUTcast homepage url's redirecting to Winamp search
· Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Up/down buttons reversed, 'stop after current' & other issues
· Fixed: [in_mod] Crash on some .s3m modules (w.i.p.)
· Fixed: [in_mod] Playback glitch during background transcoding
· Fixed: [in_wm] Decimal point issues in Alt+3 format info
· Fixed: [in_wm] Embedded IE browser for DRM license acquisition
· Fixed: [in_wm] Loading of URLs in WPL playlist files
· Fix...
Full Download Winamp 5.56