The clue to the objective of this important new book is in its title. The first edition, published in 1998, was just called "Pharmaceutical care practice." This time the phrase "the clinician's guide" now appears on the cover along with the main title. The first book was somewhat abstract, concerned more with the theory and politics of progressing a new way for pharmacists to practise (new for pharmacists, that is, but not other health professionals). The second edition is aimed at practitioners and is intended for their direct use. This is an intentional change on the part of the authors and I am sure it is a correct one. The need for improvement in the way that patients use their medicines is well recognised at government level. What is now needed is practical means of achieving that end in a concerted way. This book addresses that need.
But while the publication may have changed, the underlying philosophy has not. This is that a practitioner (preferably a pharmacist) should assume responsibility for a patient's drug-related needs and be held accountable for this commitment. This is the way that pharmaceutical care practice is defined. And this is what the authors, who are based at the Peters Institute of Pharmaceutical Care in the University of Minnesota, have spent their professional lives seeking to promote.
Cipolle, Strand and Morley see pharmaceutical care as a generalist practice with the pharmaceutical care practitioner assessing "all of a patient's medications, medical conditions and outcome parameters" and identifying, resolving and preventing "drug therapy problems."
The book describes how pharmacists should go about practising in this way. It sets out the role of the practitioner and that of the patient. It explains how to carry out an assessment of the patient's drug-related needs and categorises drug therapy problems and says how they can be identified. It gives details on the drawing up of a care plan with the patient and how this should be followed up.
Many pharmacists in England and Wales will be adopting the principles involved in pharmaceutical care practice as they carry out "medicines use reviews" and "medication reviews" under the new contract. Pharmacists in Scotland will be doing this increasingly, too, as the pharmaceutical care pilots become more widespread. All would be well advised to prepare themselves by acquiring books such as this.
Pharmacists will have to change their mind set. They are going to have to see the dispensing of a prescription as the start of a process. This will not be a voluntary thing. Patients expectations will increase through medicines use review and similar developments. The revolution has begun. It may be a little slow at first, but it will gain momentum. Books such as this are an important catalyst of change.
Download Buku Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Clinician's Guide
But while the publication may have changed, the underlying philosophy has not. This is that a practitioner (preferably a pharmacist) should assume responsibility for a patient's drug-related needs and be held accountable for this commitment. This is the way that pharmaceutical care practice is defined. And this is what the authors, who are based at the Peters Institute of Pharmaceutical Care in the University of Minnesota, have spent their professional lives seeking to promote.
Cipolle, Strand and Morley see pharmaceutical care as a generalist practice with the pharmaceutical care practitioner assessing "all of a patient's medications, medical conditions and outcome parameters" and identifying, resolving and preventing "drug therapy problems."
The book describes how pharmacists should go about practising in this way. It sets out the role of the practitioner and that of the patient. It explains how to carry out an assessment of the patient's drug-related needs and categorises drug therapy problems and says how they can be identified. It gives details on the drawing up of a care plan with the patient and how this should be followed up.
Many pharmacists in England and Wales will be adopting the principles involved in pharmaceutical care practice as they carry out "medicines use reviews" and "medication reviews" under the new contract. Pharmacists in Scotland will be doing this increasingly, too, as the pharmaceutical care pilots become more widespread. All would be well advised to prepare themselves by acquiring books such as this.
Pharmacists will have to change their mind set. They are going to have to see the dispensing of a prescription as the start of a process. This will not be a voluntary thing. Patients expectations will increase through medicines use review and similar developments. The revolution has begun. It may be a little slow at first, but it will gain momentum. Books such as this are an important catalyst of change.
Download Buku Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Clinician's Guide

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