1. Pericyclic Reactions (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 67)
Pericyclic reaction - the third type of organic reaction mechanism along with ionic and radical reactions - include some of the most powerful synthetically useful reactions, like the Diels - Alder reaction, 1,3- dipolar cycloadditions, the Alder ene reaction, Claisen rearrangements, the 2,3-Wittig rearrangement, diimide reduction, sulfoxide elimination and many others. These reactions are characterised by having cyclic transition structures, and also have highly predictable stereochemical features. Every organic chemist must be able to recognise the various types of pericyclic reaction and know something of their mechanisms and the factors that affect how well they work in organic synthesis. This book identifies the four main classes of pericyclic reaction, and discusses the main characteristics of the most important class, cycloadditions - providing a working knowledge, based on real examples, of their scope, patterns of reactivity, and stereochemistry. Then it explains the main features using ideas based in molecular orbital theory, but ( as in the companion book by A. J. Kirby on Stereoelectronic Effects ) without mathematics. It presents the Woodward - Hoffmann rules in the form of two all-encompassing rules, one for thermal reactions and its opposite for photochemical reactions. These rules are explained in detail and carefully illustrated, so that you will be able to predict the stereochemical outcome for any pericyclic reaction. The remaining chapters use this theoretical framework to show how the rules work with the other three classes of pericyclic reactions - electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements and group transfer reactions. By the end of the book, you will be able to recognise any pericyclic reaction and predict with confidence whether it is allowed, and with what stereochemistry, and you will have a working knowledge of the range of pericyclic reactions available to the synthetic organic chemist.
Download Book Pericyclic Reactions (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 67)2. Principles and Practices of Method Validation Proceedings
Principles and Practices of Method Validation is an overview of the most recent approaches used for method validation in cases when a large number of analytes are determined from a single aliquot and where a larege number of samples are to be analysed. Much of the content relates to the validation of new methods for pesticide residue analysis in foodstuffs and water but the principles can be applied to other similar fields of analysis. Different chromatographic methods are discussed, including estimation of various effects, eg. matrix-induced effects and the influence of the equipment set-up. The methods used for routine purposes and the validation of analytical data in the research and development environment are documented. The legislation covering the EU-Guidance on residue analytical methods, an extensive review of the existing in-house method validation documentation and guidelines for single-laboratory validation of analytical methods for trace-level concentrations of organic chemicals are also included. With contributions from experts in the field, any practising analyst dealing with method validation will find the examples presented in this book a useful source of technical information.
Download Book Principles and Practices of Method Validation Proceedings3. Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals
Filling a gap in the pharmaceutical literature, this unique guide addresses the development of targeted methodologies to monitor impurities in pharmaceutical compounds and drug products. Furnishes physicochemical protocols to determine the purity of pharmaceutical compounds fully before pharmacological and toxicological studies begin! Providing a clear definition of the subject, Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals introduces various techniques for isolating and characterizing impurities presents guidelines to evaluate stability using kinetic studies shows how to develop stability-indicating methodologies details various methods that require minimal sample prepreparation gives regulatory perspectives on chiral impurities and more! Containing important literature citations and offering an invaluable list of applications, Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals is an outstanding resource for pharmacists and pharmacologists, clinical microbiologists, quality assurance and production managers in the pharmaceutical industry, analytical chemists and biochemists, pharmaceutical regulatory personnel, and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students in these disciplines.
Download Book Impurities Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals
4. Bioanalytical Separations, Volume 4
Bioanalytical Separations is volume 4 of the multi-volume series, Handbook of Analytical Separations, providing reviews of analytical separation methods and techniques used for the determination of analytes across a whole range of applications. The theme for this volume is bioanalysis, in this case specifically meaning the analysis of drugs and their metabolites in biological fluids.
Download Book Bioanalytical Separations, Volume 45. Analytical Measurement Terminology: Handbook of Terms Used in Quality Assurance of Analytical Measurement
This unique handbook explains the most commonly used terminology and places each term in context. Concepts are described in a way that make them meaningful to practitioners and in line with "official definitions" developed by international organizations.
Download Analytical Measurement Terminology: Handbook of Terms Used in Quality Assurance of Analytical Measurement6. Robustness of Analytical Chemical Methods and Pharmaceutical Technological Products
Hardbound. In analytical chemistry and pharmaceutical technology attention is increasingly focussed on improving the quality of methods and products. This book aims at fostering the awareness of the potential of existing mathematical and statistical methods to improve this quality. It provides procedures and ideas on how to make a product or a method less sensitive to small variations in influencing factors. Major issues covered are robustness and stability improvement and ruggedness testing. General strategies and a theoretical introduction to these methods are described, and thorough overviews of methods used in both application areas and descriptions of practical applications are given.
Download Book Robustness of Analytical Chemical Methods and Pharmaceutical Technological Products7. Handbook of Basic Tables for Chemical Analysis, Second Edition
If you are a researcher in organic chemistry, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical science, forensics, or environmental science, you make routine use of chemical analysis. And like its best-selling predecessor was, the Handbook of Basic Tables for Chemical Analysis, Second Edition is your one-stop source for the information needed to design chemical analyses. Here's what is new in the Second Edition:"New chapters on solutions, electroanalytical methods, electrophoresis, and laboratory safety"An expanded section on gas chromatography that includes data on compounds that attack common detectors"New information on detector optimization"An updated section on high performance liquid chromatography that provides the most recent chiral stationary phases, detector information, and revised solvent tables"Updated information on the most useful "wet" chemistry methods"Enlarged section of Miscellaneous Tables Going far beyond the landmark first edition in terms of scope and applications, the second edition provides current and updated data culled from a wide range of resources and consolidated into a concise yet easy-to-use format. The book's laser-like focus on core information gives you the knowledge you need when you need it - at the decision point.
8. Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring, Volume 48
Monitoring pollutants in air, soil and water is a routine requirement in the workplace, and in the wider environment. Passive samplers can provide a representative picture of levels of pollutants over a period of time from days to months by measuring the average concentrations to which they have been exposed. Air monitors are widely used, for instance to measure the exposure of workers to volatile compounds, but also for monitoring the fate of pollutants in the atmosphere. Passive sampling devices are now becomining increasingly used to monitor pollutants in rivers, coastal waters and ground water where contamination results from sources such as domestic and industrial discharges, and the use of agrochemicals.
Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring provides a timely collection of information on a set of techniques that help monitor the quality of air, surface and ground waters. Passive sampling can provide an inexpensive means of obtaining a representative picture of quality over a period of time, even where levels of pollutants fluctuate due to discontinuous discharges or seasonal application of chemicals such as pesticides. Recent changes in legislation have increased the pressure to obtain better information than that provided by classical infrequent spot sampling.
Brought together in one source, this book looks at the performance of a range of devices for the passive sampling of metals, and of non-polar and polar organic chemicals in air and in water. The strengths and weaknesses and the range of applicability of the technology are considered.
Download Book Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring, Volume 489. Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry
Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry provides concise yet comprehensive coverage of analytical chemistry at an undergraduate level, providing easy access to the core information in the field. The book covers all the important areas of analytical chemistry in a format which is ideal for learning and rapid revision.
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